Education is not preparation for life, it is life itself

Education Is Not Preparation For Life, It Is Life Itself

Education has to be skill based, without which it will not fulfil its purpose. We need to stress on computational thinking to make it more effective. Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.
Anything that is stagnant rusts, we all know this. Similarly, in the field of education, if we keep following the same practices, it won’t bring fruitful results.

I have been in this industry for last fifteen years now and I have seen many changes but none as robust as seen now. Machines are taking on human.
Therefore, the focus has to move to becoming lifelong learners, keeping one
equipped with the changing technology. The literary qualifications have to be a part of the complete package. The present day education that the schools are imparting has to be necessarily skill based. The focus has to be on providing the students with a basket of skills necessary for survival and sustenance. Every individual needs to be ready to handle the situations, find solutions to problems, critically think and introspect, manage crisis and find means for survival. Another major change is that the modern day education is becoming technology driven.

The future of education is going to be bombarded with the enhanced version of today’s massive open online courses. Machine learning too will accelerate in a similar fashion in the education space. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will have the same trajectory in the education space.

Technology has revolutionized every sphere and impacted the education sector robustly and it will continue to do so. Therefore, only progressive minds will survive.

We all need to gear up for the globalized processes, where there is a tendency to search for immediate results. I strongly feel that future education should be an amalgamation of the best practices of the past clubbed with the changes and the required skills of the future. Therefore we need to gear up, accordingly for the futuristic education.