Importance Of Environmental Studies

Importance of Environmental studies

Importance of Environmental studies

Environmental studies made compulsory in schools after o Supreme Court direction in 2004. Subject environment studies (EVS) hos benefitted students and brought about a change in them. Some school management's appreciated it has helped students become more aware towards cleanliness. Environmental studies has changed the surroundings of the schools. The subject has helped students in being more aware about environment. Practically, it is observed by each of us students are being more aware and sensible to protect our mother Earth. We can observe how the compounds of schools are filled with plants. Hence, in urban schools, students are assigned environment-related projects to be done home, like planting saplings and carrying out plantation drives and cleanliness drives as we had also taken it in our school by some junior students to make the society aware as well. Environment means Surrounding in which we are living. Environment includes all those things on which we are directly or indirectly dependent for our survival, whether it is living component like animals, plants or non-living component like soil, air water. This is why the study of environmental science was initiated. It is only by understanding the basic functional components of environment and how our activities deteriorate these components will help us to tackle some of our pressing problems. Environmental science is very important because it is study and connection with environment, enlightening to the consequence of our action such the effect of technology on the destruction of the natural resources and the ecosystem, and what we can do to reverse some of this destructive forcos and heal the environment, saving ourselves in the process. Today we are more aware of our actions studying our environment in a scientific way documenting, codifying and developing. As residents on Earth, our actions can impact the planet and the rest of its inhabitants. Just as major environmental catastrophes, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, can affect us, our actions can have major impacts on the environment. Human activities, such as pollution released into the environment, cutting down forests, and damning rivers, have all created significant impacts for environmental health and society. Environmental studies is the field that examines this relationship between people and the environment. Environmental studies provide information about the conditions of environment which could be useful for planning and designing of the project. It provides knowledge about the ecosystems . It provides necessary information about biodiversity. Environmental studies helps to find and solve the big environmental problems that include Air pollution due to industries and automobiles, urbanization, industri and med ical solid waste, deforestation desertification etc. Overexploitation of natural resources, green house effect, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, etc To carry out the impact analysis and environmental audit in order to minimise the environmental problems. Reduce the pollution. Managing the unpredictable disse To create awareness to the public . Due to many discoveries and inventions from 16th century onwards, man has overexploited the natural resource which leads to many environmental problems such as acid rain, ozone layer depletion, green house effect land slides, cancer and other health problems. Lack of awareness and less number of people parcipation leads to poor pollution management which are the major reasons for climate Instability and unhealthy ecosystem Hence, it is necessary to create awareness to the public about environmental problems and to protect the environment through implementing proper regulations. In order to protect the environment from the pollution, we should take a initiative and make our society aware about the environment awareness to the public through our students. It is our duty to protect our mother Earth.