Time Mangement
Time management is managing the time smartly. Smartly means if a person is able to complete two or three task simultaneously in an assigned time that means he or she has managed the time smartly. Great leaders have not become leaders in a night, it is only by the skils which they have inculcated in themselves by the time. One of the skill is time management. They are able to manage the time efficiently hence they have understood the importance of this skill in their life. NOW the question is how to teach our children that time is really is very precious for them. One of the ways which I feel can work is sharing one's own experiences with children or try to show them some videos of great personalities. In my perception this will work for the higher classes students as they will get motivated from this. On the other hand, for smaller classes or kindergarten section as the homework is given on daily basis the time table for every child can also be given in the same way daily. Or a more creative work can be given to nursery class, like giving them colouring on their own calendar which teacher has made. Therefore if above ways are followed then nobody can stop children to shine like a star.